Published: 05 April 2018

Creative subjects have major benefits to children and young people - by Alex Hinton

Working for Stagetime and as a Director of Mad Cow Productions my passion is to encourage young people. Key skills such as critical thinking, teamwork, problem solving, imagination, communication, conflict resolution and agility are integral for their development.

Disturbingly, the fate of Theatre Studies in schools in England is not looking positive as the education system is pushing creativity out of the curriculum. Core subjects like Art, Drama, Creative Writing and Music are losing their position as the more “commercial” subjects are being given an increased status.

Despite research showing that Theatre Studies has transferable skill benefits, there is a real danger of it being withdrawn altogether. As a result, there will be no entitlement for children to learn about or take part in regular lessons in these areas and there will be no funding to employ specialist teachers.

When today’s politicians talk about preparing children and young people to succeed in the 21st century, they use words like “imagination” and “creativity”, but all the while allowing the education system to push creativity out of classrooms.

Studies have concluded employers want creative skills

An Oxford University study concluded that, as modern-day technology evolves, employees are becoming more at risk of being made redundant, with “47% of current jobs on the line”. (1) The report concluded that, for employees of the future to stand in good stead in the employment race, they must have good social and creative skills for whatever career path they want to pursue. Many studies over the years have concluded that most popular way to nurture these skills is to actively promote fun, play and creativity.

The benefits of acting

Looking at the benefits of acting, an article written by Pentagon Play, school playground equipment providers, looks at how Performing Arts in schools offers essential life lessons.

This creative subject allows children to develop creative passions, explore imaginary worlds and help communicate effectively with others with confidence. They develop self-confidence and belief in themselves. Children have the freedom to re-enact stories they have heard from others or create versions of the world through their eyes and from different perspectives. Experiencing the world this way helps develop a child’s capacity for compassion of which is a quality which lasts well beyond the classroom. 

The article states that: “With improved self-confidence and self-belief, children can move towards mastering many more skills that will fully equip them for life.” (2)

There is much evidence which shows that access to the arts and the opportunity to explore creative expression can boost confidence, broaden young people’s outlooks and encourage curiosity about the wider world.

An inspirational environment will no doubt allow room for growth, add new skills and encourage young imaginations.

Stagetime, a new approach to theatre education

Stagetime is a fantastic platform for children and young people to get into the arts in a safe and professional environment. Teaching skills such as singing, acting, and dancing, the classes boast a fresh, fun approach to theatre education. To find out more information or to enquire about getting your little ones enrolled, visit or call 01743 211348.


The Future of Employment: A Study by Carl Benedikt Frey & Michael Osbourne. Available from: [Accessed 26th March 2018]
The Benefits of Performing Arts in School – Pentagon Play. Available from: [Accessed 26th March 2018]



Published: 05 April 2018